

The genesis of the Eynsford Village Fireworks show has its roots as deep as 1978, then a domestic garden party for a few local friends gathering in close proximity - we could do that then! John Stapleton, a mere toddler at the time, would light matches and try to set fire to things. 

Then in 1986 the then Rector of EFL Dennis Sweetman (1971-1988) entered The Five Bells (not in itself an unusual event) and engaged the worthy citizens within with an account of the peculiar penury in which he found himself, and more importantly, the St Martin’s church spire. As the ale descended, the volume rose, and as the impending disaster became ever more hideous in its conjuration, the determination of those within earshot grew ever firmer until………..

A Decision was made! 

A public firework show would be put on with a charge to attend, the fireworks blazing forth from Eynsford Castle and the public beholding the affair in Furlongs Farm field after the consumption of a respectable amount of beer, mulled wine and sausages.